Professionally providing topography and cadastre services for accurate measurements and land registration. Specialized in property and land registration, our team ensures precise and reliable intabulation for houses and plots of land. Contact us for comprehensive topography and cadastre solutions tailored to your needs. Reliable and efficient services guaranteed.
EXPERT TEHNIC JUDICIAR in specialitatea TOPOGRAFIE si CADASTRU TIMISOARA TIMIS in cadrul Biroului Expertilor Tehnici Judiciari al Tribunalului TIMIS, Ing.IONESCU Dan-George 24 ani de experienta AUTORIZATA de ANCPI in Cat. A pentru domeniul "CADASTRU si TOPOOGRAFIE" Seriozitate, Promptitudine, si Respect fata de dreptul de proprietate. Program Luni-Sambata orele 08.00-18.00, Duminica LIBER